If I had Thumbs

March 3, 2010

Dear Diary,

Today is “If Your Pet had Thumbs Day”.  That got me thinking.  What  would I do if I did have thumbs?

The dog on TV would get treats for himself.  Well, you don’t really need thumbs for that.  Teeth work well to open a bag and then you just stick your nose inside.

tucker dog diary dog treats

Oh No - is that Mom coming?

Enzo, the lab mix in Stein’s book  The Art of Racing in the Rain says that he would drive a race car.  (Read  Mom’s review of this book.)   Well, if you’re driving the car, you can’t just curl up in the back seat and take a nap.

Mom says I'm a back seat driver.

I think if I had thumbs, I’d take pictures with Dad’s camera, so everyone could what life looks like from my point of view.

Those buttons are tricky to push.

Here is what my world looks like.

What I see out the Kitchen Window

Maybe, people could paint the bottoms of things – like the bird feeder.  I see a lot of things from below.

Under the Kitchen Table

This is my favorite place in the kitchen.  Close to everything, but you don’t get stepped on.  Mom even bought a nice rug for me.  Again, the underside of  the table isn’t all that pretty.

In the Dining Room

The addition of a colorful table cloth turns the space under the dining room table into a really cozy den.  No wonder some dogs chew on the legs of chairs; we do spend a lot of time looking at them.

Taking photographs is fun.  Now I understand why Mom and Dad spend so much time with the camera (often aimed at me).

What would you do if you had thumbs?

Signed, Tucker (owner of this Dog Diary)
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